Arbos squadra corse 1956


Arbos squadra corse

Team: Arbos-Bif-Clement
Framebuilder: ARBOS
Serial: c 01393
Condition: RESTORED
Bottom bracket: TA SPECIALITES
Brakes set: UNIVERSAL MOD. 51
Saddle: BROOKS B17
Handlebar & stem: CINELLI STEEL
Rims: NISI

Photo: Frameteller

Le biciclette costruite per la squadra corse Arbos nel 1956 si distinguevano da quelle prodotte in serie dal design della congiunzione nodo sella e dalle testa delle pendine, simili a quello usate da Cinelli ma leggermente diverse, probabilmente prodotte dalla Agrati e non dalla svizzera Fisher. Al Tour de France la squadra Atala come pedivelle scelse le francesi Stronglight con adattatore e corone TA Specialites, movimento centrale a perno quadro.

Suzzy by Antonio Alpi late 40s

Late 40s

Framebuider: Antonio Alpi
Condition: PRESERVED
Brakes set: UNIVERSAL MOD. 39
Saddle: ITALIA
Handlebar & stem: AMBROSIO
Rims: NISI

Photo: Frameteller

Galmozzi 1977


Galmozzi corsa

Framebuider: Angelo Galmozzi
Condition: RESTORED by Frameteller
Saddle: BROOKS
Handlebar & stem: CINELLI

Photo: Frameteller

Mario Confente Masi


Masi Gran Criterium by Mario Confente

Framebuider: Mario Confente
Condition: PRESERVED
Tubing: REINOLDS 531
Handlebar & stem: CINELLI

Photo: Frameteller

Atala 1956 squadra corse


Atala team bike by Galmozzi

Framebuider: Francesco Galmozzi
Serial: 5623
Condition: PRESERVED
Rear derailleur: Simplex Juy 543
Front derailluer: Simplex made in Italy
Headset: Bollea Saluzzo BS
Shifters: Simplex
Hubs: Campgnolo Gran Sport
Handlebar and stem: Ambrosio Champion
Crankset: L. Magistroni
Bottom bracket: Magistroni Nick Crom
Brake levers: Universal 51
Brakes: Universal Extra 353949
Saddle: Brooks B17 customized by OTTUSI
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint
Rims: Nisi

Photo: Frameteller

The bicycle was found still perfectly preserved with the original components, even cables and sheaths of the gear group are original.
It is possible to identify this bike as the twenty-third of 1956 built for the Atala pro racing team due to serial the number with only 4 digits (used only on team bikes), and the special design of lugs, saddle node, and fork head. Plus the components - top of the line for 1956 - are not marked Atala like those used on the stock bikes. I could only find the same exact design of lugs and fork head in Rebour's drawings in the 1957 magazine “Le Cycle,” where he describes an Atala bike used in the 1956 Tour de France; unfortunately, the name in the caption is incorrect (Tosato raced for Torpado, not Atala). The beautiful front derailleur, is really a very special compoenent, built by Simplex Italy in 1956 was produced in a few examples for only one year. Interesting was Atala's solution of painting the body of the derailleur with the same color as the bike. The Simplex Juy 543 rear derailleur, with its cable routing system welded to the frame, was also used on all standard Atala bikes. Galmozzi for some of the 1950s built frames for the Atala team, in this frame it is possible to recognize several construction details, as well as the 4-digit serial number and the vent holes on the chainstays and fork, which make it plausible that it was built by Francesco.




Torpado 1957 squadra corse

Torpado 1958 – Squadra corse / Team bike
Serial N. 9773
Framebuider: Vetta
Condition: restored
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Headset: Campagnolo Gran Sport 2nd gen.
Seatpost: Campagnolo Gran Sport 1st gen.
Shifters: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Hubs: Campgnolo Gran Sport
Handlebar and stem: Ambrosio Champion
Crankset: Magistroni
Bottom bracket: Magistroni Nick Crom
Brake levers: Universal 51
Brakes: Universal Extra 353949
Saddle: Brooks B17
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint
Hubs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Rims: Nisi

Photo: Frameteller


Baldini - Alpi 1951



Serial N. 096
Framebuider: ANTONIO ALPI
Condition: RESTORED
Handlebar and stem: AMBROSIO CHAMPION
Brake levers: UNIVERSAL 51
Brakes: UNIVERSAL EXTRA 353949
Saddle: BROOKS B17
Rims: WOOD

Photo: Frameteller

Baldini - Alpi 1952



Framebuider: Antonio Alpi
Serial: 192
Condition: RESTORED
Brakes: UNIVERSA 51
Handlebar & stem: AMBROSIO CHAMPION
Rims: NISI
Bottle cage: REG

Photo: Frameteller

Cimatti 1953

Cimatti 1953
Serial: C24570
Framebuider: factory
Condition: restored
Decals: original
Tubing: Libellula
Dropouts: Campagnolo Gran Sport 1952/3 (4mm screw)
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport 1953 (6 holes, screws fixing with through hole)
Crankset : Magistroni “Giostra”
Bottom bracket: Magistroni
Headset: Magistroni
Brakes set: Universal 51
Handlebar & stem: Ambrosio Champion
Pedals: Sheffield SPrint
Hubs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Rims: Nisi

Photo: Frameteller


Paratella 1961

Paratella serial N° 615
Framebuider: Corrado Paratella
Condition: repainted, original decals
Tubing: Libellula
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Crankset : Campagnolo Record
Bottom bracket: Campagnolo “con sfere”
Headset: Campagnolo Record <C>
Brakes set: Universal 61
Saddle: Brook Professional
Seatpost: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Handlebar & stem: Ambrosio
Pedals: Campagnolo Record
Hubs: Canpagnolo Record
Rims: Nisi

Photo: Frameteller



Galmozzi 1948

Galmozzi 1948
Framebuider: Francesco Galmozzi
Condition: restored, original “coppale” decals
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Cambio Corsa
Crank : Fugini
Chainring: Magistroni
Bottom bracket: BS Bollea Saluzzo
Headset: Magistroni
Brake levers: Universal 39
Brakes: Universal 361666
Saddle: Brooks B17 40s
Handlebar & stem: Fratelli Ambrosio, enlighted
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint 658
Toe Clips: Cornez
Hubs: Canpagnolo Gran Sport
Rims: Nisi rigati

Photo: Frameteller

Cimatti 1950

Cimatti 1950
Serial: C15737
Framebuider: factory
Condition: restored
Tubing: Columbus SL
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Cambio Corsa
Crankset : Magistroni
Bottom bracket: Magistroni Nick Crom
Headset: Magistroni Cimatti
Brakes set: Universal 5501 (1950 only)
Saddle: FNI Bologna
Handlebar & stem: Cinelli steel
Pedals: Sheffield
Pump: Brambilla BSA
Hubs: FB Cimatti
Rims: Nisi
Saddle: F.N. Bologna
Toe clips and straps: Cornez, Binda

Photo: Frameteller


Galmozzi Raimondi early 60s

Galmozzi for Raimondi
Early 60s
Framebuider: Galmozzi
Condition: preserved
Tubing: Columbus SL
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Crankset : Campagnolo Gran Sport
Bottom bracket: Campagnolo “con sfere”
Headset: Campagnolo Record
Brakes set: Universal 61
Saddle: UNICA
Seatpost: NITOR
Handlebar & stem: Ambrosio Champion
Pedals: Campagnolo Record
Hubs: Canpagnolo Record
Rims: Nisi

Photo: Frameteller

Cimatti 1951

Cimatti 1951
Serial: C17839
Framebuider: factory
Condition: restored
Decals: original “coppale”
Tubing: Libellula
Dropouts: Campagnolo Cambio Corsa
Derailleur: Campagnolo Cambio Corsa
Crankset : FB Fratelli Brivio
Bottom bracket: Magistroni
Headset: Magistroni
Brakes set: Universal 49
Handlebar & stem: Ambrosio alloy
Pedals: Sheffield SPrint
Hubs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Saddle: FNI Bologna
Rims: Nisi

Photo: Frameteller


Umberto Testi 1950

Umberto Testi 1950
Framebuider: Antonio Alpi
Condition: restored by Frameteller
Decals: Water decals
Tubing: Weinmann
Dropouts: Campagnolo
Derailleurs and shifters: Campagnolo “Due Leve”
Crankset : Fratelli Brivio FB
Bottom bracket: Magistroni
Headset: Magistroni
Brakes: Universal 51 (first model)
Stem: Ambrosio steel
Handlebar: Ambrosio alloy
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint

Umberto Testi 1953

Umberto Testi 1953
Framebuider: factory
Condition: preserved
Tubing: Columbus SL
Dropouts: Campagnolo Gran Sport – registers 4mm
Derailleurs and shifters: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Crankset : L. Magistroni
Bottom bracket: L. Magistroni Nick Crom
Headset: Magistroni
Brakes: Universal 51
Handebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint


Umberto Testi 1954 Simplex

Umberto Testi 1954 Simplex
Framebuider: factory
Condition: preserved
Tubing: Columbus SL
Dropouts: Simplex Made in Italy
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Crankset : Magistroni Giostra
Bottom bracket: Magistroni Giostra
Headset: Magistroni
Brakes: Universal 51
Saddle: FNI Bologna
Handebar/Stem: Ambrosio FAT
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint
Toe clips: Reg Special


Galmozzi 1960 Simplex

Galmozzi 1960
Framebuider: Francesco Galmozzi
Condition: restored
Tubing: Columbus SL
Dropouts: Simplex Juy 60
Rear derailleur: Simplex Juy 60
Front derailleur: Simplex LJ 23
Shifters: Simplex LJ23
Saddle: Brooks B15 Flyer
Headset: Stronglight Competition
Handlebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Pedals: Campagnolo Record lightened
Bottom Bracket: Campagnolo Record 1st gen.
Crankset: Campagnolo 2nd gen.
Seatpost: Campagnolo Record 2nd gen.
Brake set: Weinmann Vainqueur 999
Hubs: Fratelli Brivio / Simplex large flange
Rims: Super Champion (French)


Galmozzi Lazzaretti middle 50s

Galmozzi ca 1955
Framebuider: Francesco Galmozzi
Condition: restored
Tubing: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Saddle: Brooks B17
Handebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Pedals: Sheffield
Headset: Magistroni
Crankset: Magistroni


Corradini Special 1974

Corradini Special 1974 (Reggio Emilia)
Framebuider: Unknow, possible Lino Messori
Condition: preserved
Tubing: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Nuovo Record
Saddle: Cinelli Unicanitor
Handebar/Stem: Cinelli


Viscontea 1952

Viscontea 1952
Condition: restored with original “coppale” decals (70 years old)

The frame design is interesting and quite original for those years, but Viscontea was always distinguished from its competitors by the originality of its construction details.
The saddle lug with the pointed rear stays has a very strong and powerful shape, together with the cables inside the top tube create a “brutalist” look of a real steel machine, contrasting with the delicacy and elegance of the fork head.

This frame, with both shift cables on the right side, is an unusual example of Italian racing bike in the early 50s. 1951 and 1952 in Italy were an important moment of transition, the first Campagnolo parallelogram rear derailleur with the new GS front derailleur and dropouts were born, in parallel Simplex (the Italian factory) responded with new dropouts with a fixing eyelet for the Simplex TDF and JUY 51 rear derailleur (they do not appear in the French catalogs and were probably intended exclusively for Italian manufacturers).
The Huret front derailleur on this bike is identical to the Simplex B52 model that came out in 1952, a couple of years after the Huret. Both, Huret and SImplex front derailleurs, were designed for cable routing to the right of the frame, for use with the double shift levers.

Tubing: Columbus
Dropouts: Simplex made in Italy
Derailleur: Simplex Tour de France
Derailleur shifters: double Simplex Tour de France
Front derailleur: Huret
Hubs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Crankset: Magistroni branded “Viscontea”
Headset: Magistroni
Bottom bracket: Bollea Saluzzo
Pedals: Lyotard Berthet 1st version (without “made in france”)
Saddle: Brooks B17 swallow (50s)
Handebar & Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Brakes: Universal 51


Viscontea track late '40s

Viscontea track late ’40s
Condition: restored
Tubing: Falck light
Hubs: Siamt Super large flange
Spokes: Stella, laced
Rims: Fiamme Brev. Longhi track
Crankset: Magistroni Giostra track 165 mm “humber”
Saddle: Brooks Sprinter, Brooks clamp, alloy racing seatpost
Handebar/Stem: Cinelli steel
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint, Cornez toe clips, Binda straps


Colnago Super 9 fori 1970

Colnago Super 9 fori 1970 n

Condition: restored
Tubing: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Nuovo Record 1970
Saddle: 3TTT SL
Stem and handlebar: 3TTT adjustable

Colnago Mexico 1975

Colnago Mexico 1975 – 1st generation
Frame made by Rauler (Reggio-Emilia), that can be seen from the headset lug, which is still the one used by Colnago until 1970, something only Rauler did on the frames built for Colnago and in general the frame is much more finished than the Colnagos of those years.

Condition: restored
Tubing: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Super Record Pat. 1975
Bottom bracket: FT Bologna titanium-ergal
Headset: FT Bologna ergal
Saddle: 3TTT
Handebar/Stem: 3TTT

Colnago Mexico 1973

Colnago Mexico 1973 – 1st model
Condition: restored
Tubing: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Nuovo Record Pat. 1973
Saddle: 3TTT
Handebar/Stem: 3TTT

Ortelli 1970

Vito Ortelli (Faenza) 1970
Condition: restored
Lugs: Cinelli / Georg Fisher
Tubing: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Nuovo Record Pat. 1970
Saddle and seatpost: Cinelli Unicanitor
Handebar/Stem: Cinelli 1A Criterium
Rims: Fiamme
Toe clips/straps: Christophe / Binda


Masi Special 1962

Masi Special 1962 

Condition: restored
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Bottom bracket: Campagnolo Record
Headset: Campagnolo Record
Crankset: Campagnolo Gran Sport BCD 151
Pedal: Campagnolo Record
Hubs: Campagnolo Record (no written)
Saddle and seatpost: Unicanitor-Campagnolo
Seat post: Campagnolo Narrow
Brake set: Universal 61
Handebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Rims: Nisi

Masi Special late '50s

Masi Special 1960 Nervex Professional
From 1957 to 1963 Faliero Masi made a unique version of the Special model builded with the Nerves Professional lugs.
This special version of the Special (very few such frames were built) was sold on Italian Market and exported on USA by “Sugden and Lynch”.
The blue and yellow paintwork was created only for this model.

Serial: letters “A” and “L” on the right and left of the seatpost lug
Condition: restored by Masi with original decals and colors
Derailleurs: Campagnolo Gran Sport
Bottom bracket: Campagnolo Record 1st gen.
Headset: Campagnolo Record 2nd gen.
Crankset: Magistroni – TA
Pedal: Campagnolo Record short thread
Hubs: Campagnolo Record large flange (no written)
Saddle and seatpost: Unica
Handebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Rims: Nisi Moncalieri
Toe clips: Reg Special + Binda strapsPh. Frameteller



Carpano 1962

Carpano squadra corse
Seriale 3275
Torino 1962
Condition: repainted
Framebuilder: Giuseppe Pelà
Group: Campagnolo Record
Saddle: Brooks B17
Handlebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Brake set: Universal 61
Rims: Ambrosio
Ph. Frameteller

Elio Torino by Pelà 1964

Elio Torino 1964 by Giuseppe Pelà
Condition: preserved
Framebuilder: Giuseppe Pelà
Group: Campagnolo Record
Saddle: Brooks Competition
Handebar/Stem: 3TTT Gran Prix
Rims: Nisi Moncalieri
Ph. Frameteller

Marastoni 1947

Licinio Marastoni 1946/47
Serial: 38
One of the first Marastoni racing bike
Condition: preserved
Framebuilder: Licinio Marastoni
Derailleur: Campagnolo Cambio Corsa
Saddle: Brooks B17
Handlebar/Stem: Cinelli steel
Brakes: Universal 39
Rims: Fiamme Brevetto Longhi
Pedals: Sheffield Sprint
Ph. Frameteller


Chiorda 1968

Chiorda Team Salvarani – 1968
Condition: restored
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Nuovo Record 1st generation 1968
Handlebar/Stem: Cinelli Giro d’Italia /1A
Saddle: Cinelli Unicanitor
Rims: Nisi


This particular Chiorda model was designed and built for the Salvarani team in 1968. Above the 1968 Balmamion’s bike.


Chiorda 1960/61

Magni Chiorda, Philco team bike – 1961
Condition: full preserved
Framebuilder: Unknow, probably Artide (Faenza) or Gilardi
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Bottom Bracket shell: Georg Fischer
Group: Campagnolo Record 1960
Handlebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion
Rims: Nisi
NOTE: bicycle builded for the 1961 Philco team.
From 1960 to 1962 the Philco team participated to Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and the World Championship.
among their cyclists champions such as Adorni, Bitossi and Carlesi.
Ph. Frameteller


Philco team. On the left Ernesto Colnago, the team’s chief mechanic.


1960, Carlo Brugnami, Philco team


1962 Philco on Tour de France

Nancy 25 June 1962, G.S. Philco team at the Tour de France


Messori 1981

Messori 1981 Specialissima
Condition: full preserved
Framebuilder: Lino Messori
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Super Record 1981
Handebar/Stem: 3TTT
Rims: FIR
Note: Messori’s Specialissima made for a friend, only in these cases he would add the rider’s initials embossed on the top tube.
Ph. Frameteller

Colnago Freccia 1959

Colnago Freccia 1959
Condition: restored
Design & Framebuilding: Ernesto Colnago / Volta
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Record 1959
Saddle: Brook Campagnolo
Brakeset: Universal 51
Headset: Magistroni Colnago
Handebar/Stem: Ambrosio Champion Criterium
Rims: Nisi Moncalieri (old version)
Ph. Frameteller
Paintwork: @specialcorsa


Tommasini 1975

Tommasini Thomas 1975
Condition: full preserved
Total weight: 9.1 kg
Framebuilder: Irio Tommasini
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Super Record titanium first generation
Saddle: 3TTT SL
Handebar/Stem: 3TTT Superleggero
Rims: Martano
Ph. Frameteller

Stelbel Integrale 1976

Stelbel Integrale 1976
Condition: painting restored with original water decals
Paintwork by: @specialcorsa
Total weight: 8.5kg
Framebuilder: Stelio Belletti
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
ìGroup: Campagnolo Super Record titanium first generation
Saddle: San marco Concor Superleggera
Handebar/Stem: Cinelli Criterium
Rims: Nisi
Ph. Frameteller

Peloso - Godio 1957

Godio by Mario Peloso, 1957
Condition: preserved
Frame builder: Mario Peloso
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Record 1957 first generation
Crankset: Magistroni Giostra
Pedals: Sheffield “barchetta”
Brake set: Universal 51
Stem and handlebar: Ambrosio Champion
Saddle: Brooks B17
Ph. Frameteller

Taurea 1947

Taurea 1947 by Giuseppe Pelà
Serial: C1.4210
Condition: preserved
Original status: found without handlebar, pedals and brake levers
Framebuilder: Giuseppe Pelà
Derailleur: Campagnolo Cambio Corsa
Saddle: Italia
Handebar/Stem: Cinelli steel
Rims: Nisi Moncalieri
Ph. Frameteller


Fiorelli 1960 racing team

Fiorelli 1960 team Gazzola
Klaus Bugdahl bike
Condition: Restored
Frame number: 105825
Frame/Fork: Columbus SL
Group: Campagnolo Record first generation
Stem and handlebar: Ambrosio Champion
Brake set: Weinmann 999
Saddle: Brooks B17
Rims: Nisi
Ph. Frameteller